I had my headphones stuck in my ears all the way to the hospital (which included a trip to McDonald's drive-thru .... tell you about that later!) and also as I was wheeled into hospital.
After that - it was CD's on the CD player in the delivery room ... And to be honest it was one of the most crucial things that helped me have a beautiful and pain-free experience!
The only thing that I regret was that I ended up listening to the same things OVER and OVER!
So, this time I'm adding to my Hypnobirthing collection as I go along - And THIS SONG is by far my favorite at the moment! I just know where my headspace will be when I'm birthing my next baby to this song ---- AAAHHHHHHH RELAXXX!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for all your great thoughts about relaxation on your site! I am excited for my upcoming birth in a couple of months. I was wondering what songs you listened to to help you with your meditation. I'd like to build a compilation of songs for this birth and would love any further suggestions you have. I do love this version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow! Thanks again!