Friday, May 28, 2010

My Happy Hypno-Baby!

This blog entry is totally self-indulgent, but I'm sure you'll enjoy this short video of my gorgeous Hypno-Baby Maximus. I can't believe he is 5 months old already - time does really fly when you're having fun! I'll admit having 2 kids is a juggling act, but we are loving spending time with our gorgeous babies. Also .... I thought Honey was a good baby, but I have been truly blessed because Maximus really is a "Dream Baby" - he's very good to his Mummy - so happy all the time and sleeps through the night .... it must be the South American genes he got from his Daddy. Enjoy ... XO

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  1. Hi my name is Claire and I just came across a video of yours on about hypnobirthing techniques. I just wanted to say that I have been researching hypnobirthing for the past month and I really love all the videos you've put together. They have really helped me feel strong and empowered and that I can really do this! I come from a very natural based family in Utah, USA and I've always assumed I would be able to have a natural childbirth when I got pregnant, that is, until I actually did, and then I became very scared at the thought of the actual birth. My family would be happy with me if I chose natural or medicated, but I can't help thinking that it would be a huge let down if I couldn't take the pain and opted for an epidural or c-section. I am now almost 30 weeks along and still nervous, but I feel confident that I can do this!! Thank you for your tips and motivation! I am beginning my hypnobirthing classes in a few weeks with my husband and I am so excited that I feel that it is possible for me to have a pain free/medication free birth for me and our baby:)

  2. Hi Claire,
    I thought I had responded to you, so I'm sorry if the reply didn't come through back in July.
    Anyway --- not sure if you already had your baby, but thanx for your comments, I hope my videos and hypnobirthing helped you. It's awesome that you have come across this technique and you'll find that the techniques help you even after you have the baby - Calm Mummy=Calm Baby :-)
