Thursday, October 2, 2014

Are You Looking For Hypnobirthing Classes in Sydney?

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Sunday, June 12, 2011


Thank You for visiting this blog - I really appreciate your interest and support of HypnoBirthing. I am now updating all my information on my new blog: so please click on the link for all the information from this website plus a whole lot more updated videos and blog posts.

Have a beautiful childbirth and amazing day!
Tracey ... XO
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Monday, January 3, 2011

Hypnobirthing: The 1 Crucial Secret To Making Hypnobirthing Work For You

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hi, I'm Tracey Rose and I have put this blog together to HELP YOU! If you're looking into the Hypnobirthing method or just want to know WHAT THE HELL IS IT? then check out my latest video.

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Woman Discovers She's Pregnant 3 Hours Before Her Baby Was Born ....

Read this AMAZING INSPIRATIONAL story about a woman who embraced motherhood even though she found out she was pregnant 3 hours before her baby girl was born! - Congratulations Gemma & Penny!

Taken from

An Accidental Mother: "I didn't know I was pregnant".
Posted 8:15 AM on Tue-6-Jul-2010
Imagine discovering you're pregnant and giving birth all within a matter of hours. For Gemma, this wasn't a dream, this was her reality. Read her beautiful story of motherhood and love, and the birth of her gorgeous little surprise baby.

At 3.50am on February 18, my life, my world, changed. Forever.

Six hours earlier, I was at home scared you-know-what-less due to severe period-like pains. I had no idea what was going on, despite consulting Dr Google, and nothing was working to alleviate the pain. My housemates were becoming increasingly concerned as I made frequent trips to the bathroom, and one painful trip downstairs. Within less than half an hour of my housemate, Lucy, suggesting that I go to the hospital, we were on our way. I figured I'd go there, get some pain relief and go home. Not quite.

Once I was admitted to Emergency, they gave me a small dose of morphine and asked many questions, including "Are you pregnant?". Over the couple of weeks prior, people (random strangers) had begun to comment and assume that I was. Now, I'm the kind of girl whose 'extra weight' goes straight to the boobs and the waistline, so I'd been trying to shift this 'stubborn belly' to no avail, and was getting extremely upset by the comments. When the doctors kept asking, I was getting mighty ticked off. Reluctantly, I gave them a urine sample, and we waited.

Two doctors looked at my stomach and said "Are you SURE you're not pregnant, 'cause you sure look pregnant to me!". That went down pretty much like a dead balloon. I was tired, in pain, and just wanted to be at home in bed.

The test results came back. Positive. I threw up.

After a quick ultrasound that completely spun me out, and being told that I was probably about 32 weeks pregnant, they sent me up to Maternity for monitoring. They were concerned because they couldn't locate the head. Given it was the wee small hours of the morning (sometime between 12 & 1am), there were no ultrasound technicians available to do a proper scan.

Up to maternity I went and was hooked up to the ECG. I soon realised that I was having contractions, but the nurse wasn't concerned. Nor was she concerned when she sent me to the public, nurses call button free, public toilet. I came back after my gazillionth eventless toilet trip for the evening, and assumed my position on the bed, hooked up to the ECG.

The nurse left the room briefly, and soon after I felt a need to throw up, then an overwhelming urge to go to the toilet. The ECG was detached, and off I went. Again.

Sitting on the toilet, I realised I needed to poo. Or did I? As I tried to 'go', something didn't feel quite right. It wasn't a number two push that was happening. I reached down and could feel the top of my baby's head. Panicking, I searched for the nurses call button. All hospital toilets should have them, especially in Maternity, but no. So, with undies and pants around my ankles, I stuck my head out the door and called for help.

Nurses quickly came to my assistance and I somehow explained what was going on. They put me in a wheelchair -after assuring me I was going to be fine, and yes, it was okay for the baby for me to put my undies and pants back on - and took me back into the consult room, hoisted me onto the bed and rushed me into a delivery room. I can distinctly recall freaking out that it was too early for me to be giving birth and asking if the baby would be okay. Mumma instinct had kicked in.

Once inside the delivery room, I asked for pain relief. Given that the head was crowning, there was no time. A few pushes later, and I had given birth. Amazingly, I felt calm and focused. My oft potty mouth was expletive free. The only words I spoke were "I don't need to" when Lucy told me I could make noise, and "That's really hurting my vagina" which was obviously when I had a baby halfway out of me.

When I realised that I had just given birth after barely even processing the fact that I was pregnant, I wanted to know two things, would my baby be okay, and did I have a son or a daughter. I had a baby girl.

She was whisked off to ICN for testing, while we sat/laid around chatting and waiting for the placenta. The birth details had been scrawled on a piece of paper towel, so the nurse used this opportunity to start to organise the notes a bit better.

Penny Grace spent a few hours in ICN, then 11 days in SCN. The only complication for either of us was that I had to have a manual removal, the procedure for which they kindly described to me - it's about as fun as it sounds.

Making phone calls to family, friends and work was so surreal. I ran on adrenalin for the first day or so, then a multitude of other emotions.

I'm still on somewhat of a rollercoaster of emotions four months later, but a kiddy sized one, not a freak-out, pass the puke-bag sized one.

Penny is my world. She was clearly meant to come into my life. To show me how to love someone with every ounce of who I am, to centre me, to ground me, to amaze me. To show me that I am a strong woman who is worthy of great things, because now I have the greatest thing ever. My baby girl.


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Friday, May 28, 2010

My Happy Hypno-Baby!

This blog entry is totally self-indulgent, but I'm sure you'll enjoy this short video of my gorgeous Hypno-Baby Maximus. I can't believe he is 5 months old already - time does really fly when you're having fun! I'll admit having 2 kids is a juggling act, but we are loving spending time with our gorgeous babies. Also .... I thought Honey was a good baby, but I have been truly blessed because Maximus really is a "Dream Baby" - he's very good to his Mummy - so happy all the time and sleeps through the night .... it must be the South American genes he got from his Daddy. Enjoy ... XO

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Introducing my 2nd Hypnobirthing Baby - Maximus!

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Hypnobirthing - Doing Meditation With Distraction

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hypnobirthing Relaxation & Visualisation Techniques

In this Hypnobirthing video I explain a few of the relaxation and visualization techniques you want to use during your Hypnobirth experience.

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Hypnobirthing - What Is It & Can Anyone Do It?

Plenty of answers here to all your Hypnobirthing questions from a Hypnobirthing Mum who wants to spread the word that a BEAUTIFUL Birth IS POSSIBLE!

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hypnobirthing - Other Peoples' Fears

Focus on what you imagine to be your best birthing experience EVER!

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hypnobirthing - Are You Born To Give Birth?

My midwife thinks I'm born to give birth!
Could that be true?
Or does everyone have the same ability?
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Monday, October 5, 2009

Song I'm Adding To My iPod 4 My Next Hypnobirth

When I went into labor with my first baby "Honey Rose" I used my iPod to help keep me "In The Zone".

I had my headphones stuck in my ears all the way to the hospital (which included a trip to McDonald's drive-thru .... tell you about that later!) and also as I was wheeled into hospital.

After that - it was CD's on the CD player in the delivery room ... And to be honest it was one of the most crucial things that helped me have a beautiful and pain-free experience!

The only thing that I regret was that I ended up listening to the same things OVER and OVER!

So, this time I'm adding to my Hypnobirthing collection as I go along - And THIS SONG is by far my favorite at the moment! I just know where my headspace will be when I'm birthing my next baby to this song ---- AAAHHHHHHH RELAXXX!!!!!!!!!
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Monday, September 7, 2009

More than 2000 mothers, midwives, fathers, grandparents and children gather @ Parliament House

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for everyone who gave their support to the HomeBirth Rally outside Parliament House in Canberra yesterday.

Despite the rain thousands of women, babies, children, men, grandparents and supporters rallied to show the importance of this basic human right.

Here's a video of just one of the many great speakers and i'll also post some great pics of many posters and banners people made for the day - What A Passionate Group of People We Are!

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